


来源:新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2017-08-08 14:08




  n.人格化; 拟人化

  1. a person who represents an abstractquality;

  2. representing an abstract quality or ideaas a person or creature

  3. the act of attributing humancharacteristics to abstract ideas etc.


  convenient [kənˈvi:niənt]

  adj.方便的; [废语]适当的; [口语]近便的;实用的

  1. suited to your comfort or purpose orneeds;

  2. easy to reach;

  3. large and roomy (`convenient' is archaicin this sense);


  Population [ˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn]

  n.人口; 全体居民; 特定[生物]种群; [物]布居

  1. the people who inhabit a territory orstate;

  2. a group of organisms of the same speciespopulating a given area;

  3. (statistics) the entire aggregation ofitems from which samples can be drawn;

  4. the number of inhabitants (either thetotal number or the number of a particular race or class) in a given place(country or city etc.);

  5. the act of populating (causing to livein a place)


  verve [vɜ:v]

  n.热情; (艺术品等的)气韵,神韵; 生气,活力; 气魄

  an energetic style


  evocation [ˌi:vəʊ'keɪʃn]


  1. imaginative re-creation

  2. calling up supposed supernatural forcesby spells and incantations

  3. stimulation that calls up (draws forth)a particular class of behaviors


  partisan [ˌpɑ:tiˈzæn]

  adj.党派性的; 偏袒的; 游击队的

  n.党羽,强硬支持者; 游击队员; 戟的一种


  1. a fervent and even militant proponent ofsomething

  2. an ardent and enthusiastic supporter ofsome person or activity

  3. a pike with a long tapering double-edgedblade with lateral projections; 16th and 17th centuries


  1. devoted to a cause or party

  2. adhering or confined to a particularsect or denomination or party;

  sequester [sɪ'kwestə(r)]

  vt.使隔绝,使隔离; <律>扣押

  1. requisition forcibly, as of enemyproperty;

  2. take temporary possession of as asecurity, by legal authority;

  3. undergo sequestration by forming astable compound with an ion;

  4. keep away from others;

  5. set apart from others;


  negligible [ˈneglɪdʒəbl]

  adj.可以忽略的; 微不足道的; 无足轻重的;不足轻重

  1. so small as to be meaningless;insignificant;

  2. not worth considering;


  digression [daɪ'ɡreʃn]


  1. a message that departs from the mainsubject

  2. a turning aside (of your course orattention or concern);

  3. wandering from the main path of ajourney


  vexing [veksɪŋ]


  1. extremely annoying or displeasing;

  2. causing irritation or annoyance


  stymie [ˈstaɪmi]

  n.<高尔夫> 妨碍球; 困难的处境



  1. a situation in golf where an opponent'sball blocks the line between your ball and the hole

  2. a thwarting and distressing situation


  1. hinder or prevent the progress oraccomplishment of;


  pedestrian [pəˈdestriən]

  n.步行者; 行人

  adj.徒步的; 平淡无奇的; 一般的


  1. a person who travels by foot


  1. lacking wit or imagination;


  bias ['baɪəs]

  n.偏见; 偏爱,爱好; 倾向; 斜纹

  vt.使倾向于; 使有偏见; 影响; 加偏压于

  adj.斜纹的; 斜的,倾斜的; 斜裁的

  adv.偏斜地,倾斜地; 对角地


  1. a partiality that prevents objectiveconsideration of an issue or situation

  2. a line or cut across a fabric that isnot at right angles to a side of the fabric


  1. influence in an unfair way;

  2. cause to be biased


  slanting diagonally across the grain of afabric




  1. an acute insufficiency

  2. an insufficient quantity or number


  diminution [ˌdɪməˈnu:ʃən]


  1. change toward something smaller or lower

  2. the statement of a theme in notes oflesser duration (usually half the length of the original)

  3. the act of decreasing or reducingsomething


  mosaic [məʊ'zeɪɪk]

  n.马赛克; 镶嵌图案; 镶嵌工艺; [植]花叶病

  adj.摩西的; 拼花的

  vt.镶嵌; 用马赛克装饰


  1. art consisting of a design made of smallpieces of colored stone or glass

  2. viral disease in solanaceous plants(tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco) resulting in mottling and often shriveling of theleaves

  3. a pattern resembling a mosaic

  4. transducer formed by the light-sensitivesurface on a television camera tube

  5. assembly of aerial photographs forming acomposite picture


  decorated with small pieces of colored glass or stone fittedtogether;


  dispute [dɪ'spju:t]

  vt.& vi.辩论,争论

  n.辩论; 争端; (劳资)纠纷; 罢工


  1. a disagreement or argument aboutsomething important;

  2. coming into conflict with


  1. take exception to;

  2. have a disagreement over something


  foster ['fɒstə(r)]

  v.培养; 抚育; 促进; 代养

  adj.寄养的; 代养的


  1. promote the growth of;

  2. bring up under fosterage; of children

  3. help develop, help grow;


  providing or receiving nurture or parentalcare though not related by blood or legal ties;


  exhort [ɪɡ'zɔ:t]

  vt.& vi.劝告,劝说; 倡导; 勉励


  1. urge on or encourage especially byshouts;

  2. force or impel in an indicateddirection;


  flexible [ˈfleksəbl]

  adj.灵活的; 易弯曲的; 柔韧的; 易被说服的

  1. extended meanings; capable of change;

  2. able to flex; able to bend easily;

  3. able to adjust readily to differentconditions;

  4. bending and snapping back readilywithout breaking

  5. making or willing to make concessions;


  conservative [kənˈsɜ:vətɪv]

  n.保守的人; (英国)保守党党员,保守党支持者

  adj.保守的; (英国)保守党的; (式样等)不时新的


  1. a person who has conservative ideas oropinions


  1. resistant to change

  2. opposed to liberal reforms

  3. avoiding excess;

  4. unimaginatively conventional;

  5. conforming to the standards andconventions of the middle class;


  mollify ['mɒlɪfaɪ]


  1. cause to be more favorably inclined;gain the good will of;

  2. make more temperate, acceptable, orsuitable by adding something else; moderate;

  3. make less rigid or softer


  inflame [ɪn'fleɪm]

  vt.& vi.(使)发怒,过热; 使发炎

  1. cause inflammation in;

  2. catch fire;

  3. cause to start burning;

  4. arouse or excite feelings and passions;

  5. become inflamed; get sore;


  obdurate [ˈɒbdjərət]

  adj.顽固的; 执拗的; 麻木不仁的; 冷酷无情的

  1. stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing

  2. showing unfeeling resistance to tenderfeelings;


  ingenuity [ˌɪndʒə'nju:ətɪ]

  n.足智多谋,心灵手巧; 独创性; 独出心裁,设计新颖; 巧妙,精巧

  1. the power of creative imagination

  2. the property of being ingenious;


  pessimistic [ˌpesɪˈmɪstɪk]

  adj.悲观的,厌世的; 悲观主义的

  expecting the worst in this worst of allpossible worlds


  cultivate ['kʌltɪveɪt]

  vt.耕作,种植; 教养,栽培; 改善; 交朋友

  1. foster the growth of

  2. prepare for crops;

  3. train to be discriminative in taste orjudgment;

  4. adapt (a wild plant or unclaimed land)to the environment;


  castigate ['kæstɪɡeɪt]

  vt.严厉批评; 惩戒; 对…实施严厉的惩罚; 矫正,修订

  1. censure severely;

  2. inflict severe punishment on


  delightful [dɪˈlaɪtfl]

  adj.令人非常高兴的,讨人喜欢的; 令人愉快的; 宜人

  greatly pleasing or entertaining;


  demand [dɪ'mɑ:nd]

  vt.要求,请求; 需要; [法]召唤; 询问,盘问

  n.需求; 需要; 要求,请求; 销路

  vi.需要; 请求; 查问


  1. the ability and desire to purchase goodsand services;

  2. an urgent or peremptory request;

  3. a condition requiring relief;

  4. the act of demanding;

  5. required activity;


  1. request urgently and forcefully;

  2. require as useful, just, or proper;

  3. claim as due or just;

  4. lay legal claim to

  5. summon to court

  6. ask to be informed of;


  threat [θret]

  n.威胁; 恐吓; 凶兆

  1. something that is a source of danger;

  2. a warning that something unpleasant isimminent;

  3. declaration of an intention or adetermination to inflict harm on another;

  4. a person who inspires fear or dread;


  spate [speɪt]

  n.大量; 发洪水,(河流)暴涨; 大雨

  1. (often followed by `of') a large numberor amount or extent;

  2. a sudden forceful flow

  3. the occurrence of a water flow resultingfrom sudden rain or melting snow


  brisk [brɪsk]

  adj.快的; 轻快的; 爽快而清新的; 兴隆的

  vi.活跃起来; 变得轻快

  vt.使…活泼; 使…轻快

  1. quick and energetic;

  2. imparting vitality and energy;

  3. very active;


  hostility [hɒ'stɪlətɪ]

  n.敌意,敌对状态; 战争行动; 愤怒反对,愤怒反抗

  1. a hostile (very unfriendly) disposition;

  2. a state of deep-seated ill-will

  3. the feeling of a hostile person;

  4. violent action that is hostile andusually unprovoked

  5. acts of overt warfare


  humanitarian [hju:ˌmænɪˈteəriən]

  adj.人道主义的; 博爱的; 慈善的

  n.人道主义者; 慈善家; 博爱主义者


  1. someone devoted to the promotion ofhuman welfare and to social reforms


  1. marked by humanistic values and devotionto human welfare;

  2. of or relating to or characteristic ofhumanitarianism;


  altruism [ˈæltruɪzəm]

  n.利他主义,无私; 爱他主义; 利人主义

  thequality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others


  caricature ['kærɪkətʃʊə(r)]

  n.漫画,讽刺画; 漫画手法; 夸张讽刺的描绘; 滑稽可笑的模仿

  vt.把…画成漫画; 画成漫画讽刺; 用漫画手法描绘


  1. a representation of a person that isexaggerated for comic effect


  1. represent in or produce a caricature of;


  lliterate [ɪ'lɪtərət]


  n.目不识丁者; 文盲; 无知

  1. not able to read or write

  2. ignorant of the fundamentals of a givenart or branch of knowledge;


  alarm [ə'lɑ:m]

  n.惊恐; 警报; 闹铃; 动员令

  vt.使惊恐; 警告; 给(门等)安装警报器


  1. fear resulting from the awareness ofdanger

  2. a device that signals the occurrence ofsome undesirable event

  3. an automatic signal (usually a sound)warning of danger

  4. a clock that wakes sleeper at presettime


  1. fill with apprehension or alarm; cause tobe unpleasantly surprised;

  2. warn or arouse to a sense of danger orcall to a state of preparedness;


  impugn [ɪm'pju:n]

  vt.非难,指谪; 对…有怀疑

  attack as false or wrong


  recant [rɪ'kænt]


  formally reject or disavow a formerly heldbelief, usually under pressure;


  surrogate ['sʌrəɡət]

  n.代理,代表; 代用品,代替,代孕者,[心]代用人物; 〈美〉遗嘱检验法庭[法官]

  adj.代理的; 代理的



  1. someone who takes the place of anotherperson

  2. a person appointed to represent or acton behalf of others


  1. providing or receiving nurture orparental care though not related by blood or legal ties;


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